How To Sell Lot's More in Regional Australia in 2024

  • Today, every competitor's distribution centre in Australia (and most Western countries) can be Geo-fenced. Mobility Data Tracking provides assured growth for regional-focused businesses.

  • Your commercial advantages and how to sell more in 2024,

  • 1) Every truck leaving your competitors' distribution centres is tracked to their final farm destination (via mobility tracking). Your business now knows who has not bought from it. Where they live, and estimate when they will be in-market again.

  • 2) Salespeople: Your business receives a monthly report with all your competitor clients' geo addresses so salespeople can begin contacting them and seeking to win them over.

  • 3) Marketing: Your competitor's clients' properties can be geo-fenced so that all their devices—On Demand TV ( Channels 9,7,10, and more) on their mobile phones, iPads, computers, YouTube, and Smart TVs—will receive your digital advertising.

  • 4) No Waste: guaranteed 100% completed views each month.

  • 5)Social Media: Social Selling can magnify the reach and frequency of your competitor's geo-fenced clients to ensure a consistent range of touchpoints to win them over to your business.

  • 6) Great Big Prize: When you offer a Great Big Prize—like a new tractor—your potential client's attention, engagement, and win-over tactics work 10x better. The Great Big Prize is insured, so your business never pays more than a small premium.

  • 7) Great Big Prize: The optimum prize period is 90 days. Consider offering different prices and product offers—on sale—for your products every 14 days. The effect is a master prize—a big tractor—along with special deals across all social media and On-Demand TV.

  • We even provide sales training videos about how your salespeople can best integrate into their selling programs to win more clients.

  • What happens after 90 days?

  • If the program is a roaring success - choose another Great Big Prize of interest to your ideal clients and start all over again.


1) A Guaranteed 100% TVC (views) Of Your On-Demand TV Commercials.

  • Across the 90 days, your business will gain at least (xxx,yyy) people who will fully complete viewing your TV advertisements - guaranteed.

  • It is a proven and successful strategy across Australia.

  • Local Area On Demand TV

  • Extensive reporting analytics are available to confirm customer reach and attention.

ON DemandTV - delivering the right message to the right people at the right times .

ON DemandTV - All Digital Screens. People start on a device then switch to their phone and finish off viewing on the desktop - your advertising is served to them across all of their devices.

2) 98% of Your Potential Customers are on Multiple Social Media platforms Multiple times a Day: Your problem - your business is nearly invisible. We will fix that immediately.

  • Today, at the heart of all successful campaigns is a multi-platform, organic social media approach.

  • Publishing your branded campaign videos on all the top social media platforms when your potential customers are on the platforms at the correct times - Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, X (formerly Twitter), Linkedln, TikTok and more,

  • - Businesses typically gain

  • 10x more engagement with potential customers,

  • 50 x more sharing of your videos to people and friends to sell more,

  • Up to 6.8 times more potential customers than the Wordstream industry benchmark for less cost. Compared to Google and Meta paid advertising- for up to 48% less cost.

  • Immediate impact!

3) We Help Lift Your Sales Staff Up To Achieve More During The 90 Day Great Big Prize Period.

  • Even the best salespeople can take a while to get into the swing of how to incorporate the Great Big Prize Offer and the six 14-Day Sub Campaigns.

  • We don't want that - we want you to succeed - from Day 1.

  • We have built an easy-to-access digital video library to improve conversions at each sales process step.

  • From the Greet and Meet Stage to Qualfiying the Customer, to Attempted Closing and finally Closing More Sales.

  • At each step, we introduce best practices for integrating and improving conversions by leveraging the Great Big Prize.

  • We explain how the competition works in some detail to ensure there are no gaps from Day 1.

  • You guessed it, you need to ensure all staff have completed their training - before the start!

  • BIG TIP: We will fully deliver all the steps and provide independent regular reporting on how we are meeting our KPIs.

4) Six of the Best Sub Campaigns every 14 Days Across The Great Big Prize 90-Days.

  • Every Client with a Great Big Prize sees a lift typically of ten times more attention.

  • Leap-frogging off this lift in attention for your business and turning potential customer interest into revenue and profits - we find six, 14-day campaigns that fire up your business and sales teams.

  • We work with you to find the best of these to drive floor traffic.

  • The campaigns are hot - red hot prices on key lines so sales teams can sell up.

5) How and Why A Viral Leaderboard Makes Selling Easier!

You Will Have Great Neighbours With Contest Campaigns.

  • When you enter a contest, buy a Tattslotto ticket - it is a game of chance. You cannot do anything after you have your ticket to improve the odds of winning.

  • Leaderboard competitions are often cutthroat competitions.

  • If your potential customers believe they can dramatically increase the odds of winning the Great Big Prize - they will engage and work away to improve their odds.

  • How it works: when you complete more challengers, you instantly get more points and move up the Leaderboard. The Leaderboard results are live 24|7.

  • Custom challenges with your business are designed to maximise closing more prospective customers .

  • Typically, you award them for buying from your business. If they buy $20,000 of product, they also get 20,000 points to move higher on the leaderboard.

  • You might also get value from having your potential customers share your videos with their friends - go viral.

  • Follow your business on Facebook and other social media platforms.

  • The single biggest advantage—more reasons to talk to your prospective customers and help them improve their odds of winning the Great Big Prize. They will come to trust, like, and buy from you more.

An Example of a Leaderboard and Challenges.

6) Your Competitors Can't Compete With Your Business.

  • In my experience, competitors with bold campaigns and Great Big Prizes are very tough to combat.

  • Your potential customers weigh up the odds of winning your Great Big Prize versus the difference in quotes from your competitors.

  • Typically, lower prices from your competitors often have little impact on them buying at your competitors. If there is only a few percentage points the difference. .

  • Typically, campaigns like this see can see an increase in your margin of 1-3%

  • What your competitors are likely to do in conversations with prospective customers is to attempt to bag your campaign - they have to try something!

  • The best protection against this is your sales teams knowledge of how to sell and combat questions to build trust.

  • That is why all staff completing training before the start of the campaign is vital to your future success.

7) Start With Your Outstanding Quotes

  • Once live, all sales staff should contact by phone all outstanding quotes to alert them to the fantastic opportunity to win your Great Big Prize.

  • This will quickly update everyone on live opportunities and close out those buying elsewhere.

  • Often, quotes given provide the first round of new revenue.

Want to Chat?
My Office - 03 8319 0983 Solutions and Results For Business
Office 03 8319 0983 [email protected]

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